Monday, April 11, 2011

Double Standards pt. 2

As of late twitter has been pissing me the hell off. I always see these men I follow boasting, bragging, and bagging on women. Being a woman is like a double edged sword. We are constantly worried about our appearances not only to appease ourselves but to look good for men too (whether we'd like to admit it or not). I'm not ashamed to admit it because attention of the opposite sex and ultimately, sex is a basic need.

So, being a woman, our physique is what attracts men. The breast, hips, lips, butt, waist, and thighs are important to men because these are our indicators of "fertility". Of course that doesn't mean that a man wants to make babies with every woman with a nice waist to ass ratio, but it is one of the 1st things most men look for.

However, we all know that all women are not shaped like Rihanna, Esther Baxter, or Rosa Acosta and that's fine! My problem is that every man thinks that they look like Adonis. How can a man have the audacity to criticize my love handles when he looks like he's about 7 months pregnant?

Women definitely have standards too. So if a man says he only dates women that are a specific size and he has a 2 inch hard on.. we have a problem! I swear that if the tables were turned and all men had to wear banana hammocks, women would not be choosing majority of these shit talkers.

Men act like they have gold in their pants, but there is a thin line between confident and cocky. I just wish that most men would look in the mirror before they criticize a woman because of the way she looks because I guarantee that there are plenty women that don't find you attractive either.

end rant <3


  1. bahahah 7 months pregnant. no shit.

    and the sad part is, women's bodies are MADE to store fat, for pregnancy and all that, whatever. men's bodies are NOT. so what's his excuse??


  2. girl.. Their excuses can only be pure laziness.
