Monday, May 2, 2011

mother's day

I. Hate. Mother's. Day with all my heart. Only because me and my mother's relationship is crappy. She doesn't seem to know that no matter how many times I may tell her that. A few days ago I was talking to my sister on the phone, then my mother asked to speak to me. I figured she wanted to talk about make-up because that is the only thing that we can have a decent conversation about. Surprisingly, she talks to me about her giving me her tax information so I can do my financial aid.

Somehow we start talking about mother's day and I tell her that I will send her gift soon and  she asks me "Whatever youre giving me, is it going to put a smile on my face?". I say "Have I never given you a gift that you didnt want or need?" And her response "Yes, plenty of times."

See I would have let that comment go but the fact is that I am going into my lil bit of money to still think of her. I still don't have a job, but that doesnt matter to her. I thought the whole parent /child realtionship was suppposed to be where she shouldn't have to ask me for anything. I can see if the circumstances were different and I could provide for her I wouldnt mind.

I wish she knew material things mean NOTHING when it's all saud and done. She always has her hand out expecting something from me. I didn't ask to be here and she knows I am not in a position to just give and give. She knows that I am a giver and she tries to capitalize from that.

I'm going to buy her a gift becuase I already told her I would do so, but there will be no visits to VA or extra gifts throughout the year. I'm just tired of her.

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